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This guide provides an overview of EndNote bibliographic management software.

Share a Library or Group

Sharing a Library or Group

You can share your library with up to 100 people in EndNote 21. Follow any changes made to the library through the activity tracker. It is advised that you create a compressed backup copy of your library before sharing it, just in case something goes wrong. 

Note: Anyone you share your library with can edit your references. If you do not want someone to edit your library but still want them to have a set of your citations, send them a compressed copy of your current library. To do this, see the instructions under "Backing up EndNote Library" or see how to share a group below.

To share a Library with other Endnote users:

1. Go to File > Share 
2. The Sharing dialog box will open. Type in email addresses, separated by commas
3. In the Set permissions field, select Read & Write or Read Only

4. Click Invite


To share a Group with other Endnote users:

1. Select the Group you want to share and click the Share Group Icon sharing groups icon
2. The Sharing Group dialog box will open. Type in email addresses, separated by commas
3. In the Set permissions field, select Read & Write or Read Only

4. Click Invite


sharing group in endnote