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This guide provides an overview of EndNote bibliographic management software.

Format Bibliography

Format a Bibliography

Follow the steps below to create and format a stand-alone bibliography in your selected citation style.


In EndNote:

1. Make sure the correct Output style is selected (Tools > Output Style)
2. Before you create a bibliography, make sure each reference is formatted correctly
3. Select individual citations (Hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on individual references), Select all references (navigate to All References and highlight all terms by selecting Ctrl + A), or  Select a Group Set (Highlight all the terms by selecting Ctrl + A)
4. In the EndNote toolbar, go to References Copy Formatted Reference or use Ctrl + K

In Microsoft Word:

1. In your Word document, navigate to where you would like to place your bibliography
2. Right-click or use Ctrl + V to paste the bibliography into your paper
3. Now, you can format the bibliography using regular Word commands 

cwyw copy references to endnote and word


Import a Bibliography

Import a Bibliography

To import a bibliography in a Word document into EndNote, see the resources provided below.