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Catholic Studies: Collected Research Guides: Welcome!


Welcome to this collective research guide on the subject of Catholic Studies. Click an image to visit a particularly guide. If you are on a phone, turn your phone sideways for better viewing. If you find this guide helpful, but are looking for more information, scroll to the bottom for links to other collective guides on religion and theology and other subjects in the Humanities. At the bottom, you will also learn how to get help with your research.

African American Catholics

Screenshot of the African American Catholics research guide

Amoris Laetitia

Screenshot of the Smoris Laetitia research guide

Thomas Aquinas

Screenshot of the Thomas Aquinas research guide

The Byzantine Catholic Warhol

Screenshot of the Byzantine Catholic Warhol research guide

Catholic Healthcare Ethics

Screenshot of the Catholic Healthcare Ethics research guide

Catholic Philosophers 

Screenshot of the Catholic Philosophers research guide

Catholic Research Resources Alliance (CRRA)

Screenshot of CRRA guide

Catholic Social Teaching

Screenshot of the Catholic Social Teaching research guide

Catholic Studies Reference Works

Screenshot of the Catholic Studies Research Guides

Charles de Foucauld: Universal Brother

Screenshot of the Charles de Foucauld: Universal Brother research guide

Deus Caritas Est

Screenshot of the Deus Caritas Est research guide

Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement 

Screenshot of the Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement research guide

Fratelli Tutti

Screenshot for the Fratelli Tutti research guide

Labor Priest: Charles Owen Rice

Screendhot of the Labor Priest: Charles Owen Rice research guide

Laudato Si': The Environmental Encyclical 

Screenshot of the Laudato Si' research guide

Liberation Theology 

Screenshot of the Liberation Theology research guide


Screenshot of the Mariology research guide

Maxo Vanka and the Millvale Murals

Screenshot of the Maxo Vanka & the Millvale Murals research guide

Thomas Merton

Screenshot of tahe Thomas Merton research guide


Screenshot of the Mysticism research guide

The Papacy

Screenshot of the Papacy research guide

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Screenshot of the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI research guide

Reformation and Counter-Reformation 

Screenshot of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation research guide

Roman Catholicism in Western Pennsylvania 

Screenshot of the Roman Catholicism in Western Pennsylvania research guide

Saint Augustine of Hippo

Screenshot of the St. Augustine of Hippo research guide

Saint Francis and the Fransciscans

Screenshot of the St. Francis of Assisi research guide

Saint John Henry Newman

Screenshot of the St. John Henry Newman research guide

The Spiritans

Screenshot of the Spiritans research guide

Edith Stein

Screenshot of the Edith Stein research guide

Vatican II

Screenshot of the Vatican II research guide

Was William Shakespeare a Catholic?

Screenshot of the Was William Shakespeare a Catholic? research guide

Women Mystics

Screenshot of the women mystics research guide

Credits & Help

If You Found This Guide Helpful, Try These!

Religion & Theology: Collected Guides

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If at any time you need help with using Gumberg Library resources, please contact Ted Bergfelt, Humanities Librarian, via email or by phone at 412-426-5430, 8:30 am-4:30 pm ET, Monday-Friday. If he is not available, Ask Gumberg

This guide was created by Alivia Austin, English Department Intern, and Ted Bergfelt, Humanities Librarian, September 2023