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Laudato Si', the Environmental Encyclical: Welcome!


Photo of Pope Francis' book "Praise Be To You"On June 18, 2015, Pope Francis released his long-awaited environmental encyclical, Laudato Si'. This research guide is designed to connect users quickly to resources analyzing this document which are available through Gumberg Library electronic resources and through high-quality websites. It will point to resources that praise the ideas contained in the encyclical, as well as to responsible critiques, to give the user access the the whole rang of thinking on this newest addition to the social teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Logo for United States Conference of Catholic BishopsEnvironment/ Environmental Justice Program - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

A discussion guide on the encyclical for small groups is just one of the materials you can access on this authoritative site.

Responses in the Media

Laudato Si' Prayer Book

Click the image to read the prayer book

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