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Labor Priest: Charles Owen Rice: Home

Charles Owen Rice Papers

Charles Owen Rice Papers

The Rev. Charles Owen Rice Papers are housed in the University of Pittsburgh Archives & Special Collections. Click the links below to access the finding aid and information on how to access the papers.

Periodical Databases

Periodical Databases

The databases below are good sources for articles by and about Msgr. Rice.

To use these databases off campus, you will have to enter your Multipass information when you click on a database name.



WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog. Click the links below to find more materials by and about Msgr. Rice from other libraries around the country. You may be able to borrow them, or get copies of them, through ILLiad.

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Intro box

Charles Owen Rice speakingMonsignor Charles Owen Rice was a priest in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh for over 70 years. During that time, he was a powerful voice for the rights of workers, for civil rights, justice, and peace. Msgr. Rice was also an alumnus of Duquesne University.

This research guide is designed to present to Gumberg Library users all the best materials on this important advocate for peace and justice.

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If you need help with your research, Ask Gumberg. Or you can contact me, Ted Bergfelt, the creator of this page. Click to Send Email, or phone me at 412.396.5351.

Photo source

 pgh cath

Pittsburgh Catholic logo 

Msgr. Rice wrote a weekly column in the Pittsburgh Catholic for many years. The Pittsburgh Catholic, founded in 1844, is the official newspaper of the Diocese of Pittsburgh.The Gumberg Library of Duquesne University has digitized the contents of the Pittsburgh Catholic from 1844-2001.

Access the Pittsburgh Catholic

The Gumberg Library owns a complete run of the Pittsburgh Catholic on microfilm. These are housed in cabinets on the 1st floor of the library and may be read, and copies of articles can be made from them, on a state-of-the-art reader/printer on the 4th floor. See the Reference Desk (4th Floor) for help in using this.

New CRRA Box

Picture of the ATLA/CRRA Program

Click the button above to visit the Atla/CRRA website, home now of the Catholic Portal, the online catalog of rare, unique, and uncommon scholarly Catholic materials in the library collections of the member institutions of the Atla/CRRA program. An ever-growing number of the items listed may contain links to the full text!

An independent organization from its founding in 2008 until 2023, the Atla/CRRA program webpage will also connect you to the Catholic News Archive, and to the program's growing collection of LibGuides to assist users in locating scholarly research materials.

Atla/CRRA Program

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