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A guide on the resources available in ClinicalKey


ClinicalKey gives you access to the latest editions of 1,000+ medical, surgical, and other disciplinary books. This includes:

  • Student texts for medical professions
  • Review books for exams
  • Manuals and handbooks for professionals
  • Reference books for specialist practitioners


Browsing books

You can browse through ClinicalKey's full list of reference books by selecting their Books collection located on their homepage.

  • Books are presented alphabetically but can be filtered for a specific specialty listed in the sidebar navigation or by searching for a title:

ClinicalKeys book browsing list

  • Select a book and you will be taken to its table of contents to browse through its chapters:

ClinicalKeys table of contents showing book chapters

  • Within each book chapter, the side navigation will allow you to jump to a specific section of the chapter:

  • At the top of the page, you can also run a keyword search for the specific book chapter or for the entire book:

ClinicalKeys search bar for within a book chapter located at top of page

  • If you would like to see more information about a book or book chapter, you can click on the "Top of Book Chapter" link in the upper right to see publication and copyright information

What if ClinicalKey doesn't have the book I need?

There are several ways to access physical text and eBooks through Gumberg.


Print Books
  • DUQSearch allows users to filter searches to the Gumberg Library Print Only collection
  • ILLiad allows students to request book chapters, dissertations, etc. that may not be available otherwise 
  • WorldCat is a catalog containing items from participating libraries all over the world



Use the following databases to search and access ebook resources.