ClinicalKey gives you access to the latest editions of 1,000+ medical, surgical, and other disciplinary books. This includes:
- Student texts for medical professions
- Review books for exams
- Manuals and handbooks for professionals
- Reference books for specialist practitioners
Browsing books
You can browse through ClinicalKey's full list of reference books by selecting their Books collection located on their homepage.
- Books are presented alphabetically but can be filtered for a specific specialty listed in the sidebar navigation or by searching for a title:
- Select a book and you will be taken to its table of contents to browse through its chapters:
- Within each book chapter, the side navigation will allow you to jump to a specific section of the chapter:
- At the top of the page, you can also run a keyword search for the specific book chapter or for the entire book:
- If you would like to see more information about a book or book chapter, you can click on the "Top of Book Chapter" link in the upper right to see publication and copyright information