As part of our consortium agreement, Gumberg Library supplies/lends items to our partnering academic libraries. To process an item that we need to supply to another library, follow the steps below:
1. Under the Supply tab, select the "State" dropdown.
2. Select "Awaiting pull slip printing." This will limit the requests to only the requests in this state.
3. Select "Actions" in the upper righthand corner of the page. Select "Print pull slips."
4. At the top of the page, select "Print." Select the Xerox printer in the Circulation Office, and print the pull slips. Be sure to print the slips on blue paper. Printing the slips on blue paper is part of our consortium agreement. Once the slips have printed, select "Mark pull slips as printed." This will update the requests from "Awaiting pull slip printing" to "Searching."
5. These slips can be added to the slips for our other items that need to be pulled. A staff member or work-study student can retrieve these items from the collection.
**Items that we do not loan out through EZBorrow**
Once the requested items have been pulled from their respective location, we can process/prepare them to be shipped and received by the borrowing institution. If any items were not found on the shelves or in their respective locations, we need to check the status of the item in Sierra. If the item shows as "available," we need to mark the item as "on search." Since the item is not checked out to a patron, or at a status indicating it is not available, we need to search for the item to ensure we actually have it and that it is not missing.
1. Scan the Request number (the barcode number on the blue slip)
2. Select the request that was just scanned
3. Scan the item barcode (item barcode is typically located on the back of the book, begins with 35282, and says "Duquesne University")
4. Scan the Request number to mark the item as "Shipped." The system will automatically move to the next step, and should say "Request successfully filled"
5. Scan the Request number to mark the the request as "shipped"
6. The request has now been marked as "shipped." This is the last step for processing an item in ReShare before we ship the item out using UPS WorldShip. A staff member or work-study student can band the slip onto the front cover of the item, with the band information showing on the front of the item and the barcode visible. The IDS number of the borrowing institution (not 124) can be highlighted, and the item can be sorted by IDS number onto the Shipping table in the Circulation Office.