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ReShare/EZBorrow How-To Guide: Request (Borrowing)

Search & Filter

The Request search & filter feature allows us to monitor Duquesne patron requests that may need attention. The "Hide completed" option remains checked as a default, since completed requests are typically not a concern.

All Fields

  • Requests can be located by using any field (Full ID, Request ID, Requester First Name, Requester Last Name, Title, Author, ISSN, ISBN, or Item barcode) or by any specific field. 
  • If trying to locate a specific request, it is best to use the Request ID. If you do not have a request ID to work with, typically the request you need to observe will be in the "Needs attention" queue. You can also search for the patron the request is associated with by searching for their first or last name.

Needs Attention

  • The Needs attention queue is where requests that encounter an issue with being filled are put by the system. They typically end up here because a user has fines or an overdue item on their Sierra account.

Unread Messages 

  • The Unread messages queue is where we can see requests with messages from suppliers about any issues they see on their end. It can also be an automated message at times. 


The "State" option can be used to find an item that is in a certain state. Most of the selections will not be needed. The most common state's used are "Awaiting Return Shipping," "Shipped," 


You can also search by Supplier. Suppliers are the academic libraries that our patron's can borrow items from. 



You can also see all of the requests that have been placed by our patrons on the main screen. The requests at the top of the page are the newest requests that have been placed.