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LWW Health Library

A guide on the resources available in Gumberg Library's LWW Health Library collections, including Acland's Video Atlas and Bates' Visual Guide

Faculty Resources

Looking for the best resources for teaching and lecture prep in the LWW Health Library? Start with the list below!


Access additional instructional resources related to LWW Health Library Texts, including pre-made slide decks and resources for integration into online learning management systems like Canvas, at thePoint's website.

For faculty access to thePoint, please reach out to a member of the Health Sciences library team at Gumberg Library. Use the link below to make an appointment with a librarian and select the drop-down menu for the Health Sciences/STEM team!


Make an appointment

A logo for thePoint with green and black text

Related Content for Further Reading

When reading a chapter of a text, the LWW Health Library will provide recommendation for related content in the Health Library as well as in MEDLINE. Use these resources to supplement your lecture and assignments with additional insight and real-world examples!

Check the sidebar on the right of the chapter page to see what's available.


A menu titled "Related Content" with links to chapters in LWW Health Library textbooks          A menu reading "Related Results from Ovid MEDLINE" includes links to articles in journals such as Nursing Ethics


Gumberg Library provides access to MEDLINE through both Ovid and EBSCO. Clicking a link from LWW Health Library will allow you to read the full text article in MEDLINE.

Journal Club

Teach students to read and evaluate clinical studies while letting them move at their own pace with the Journal Club tool. The tool provides simulated studies and articles for learning and discussion based on Studying a Study and Testing a Test, 7th Edition. This tool can be especially useful for asynchronous or self-guided learning!

  • Access the tool by clicking on the Journal Club button on the homepage of the Clinical/Clerkship collection.
  • Filter between the two different module series with the menu on the left
  • Click on a link to view and navigate through the module
  • Quizzes at the end of each module allow for assessment, reflection and discussion with students


A blue and white icon of a file folder reads "Journal Club"

Case Studies

Looking for a case study to use in a class session? Find a list of sample case studies, both real and simulated, by navigating to the Cases pages in LWW Health Library's Premium Basic Sciences and Clerkship/Clinical Rotations collections. 

  • Access all case studies in a collection by selecting the Cases icon on the homepage
  • Filter to find case studies in a specialty, search for a topic, or see cases related to a textbook
  • Find easy-to-use study guides and links to texts for further information
  • Access two full textbooks of case study content tailored for board review in the Cases and Concepts Step 1 series


A blue and white icon with a file folder reads "Cases"