Explore these guides for more in-depth eBook resources available within different discipline fields.
There are two ways to search for Gumberg Library's electronic books (eBooks).
1. Search Quick Search for all of the library's eBooks. Use the instructions below to limit your search to just eBooks.
2. Search for eBooks using a specific eBook collection. Read the collection's description and select one that contains books within your field of study. For more eBook collections and resources, use Additional eBook Collections and Guides to locate specific eBook resources within the different fields of study.
To discover EBooks that the library has available, start your search on QuickSearch.
Press the search button. Once your results populate click on the "CatalogPlus" tab. This will take you from the QuickSearch Catalog to QuickSearch CatalogPlus.
Go to the "Format" menu on the left side of the screen. Look for "EBooks" in that list. Next to that link, if it appears, you will see in parentheses, the number of EBooks meeting your search criteria. Click on "Ebooks" to see the electronic books for that search.
If you do not see "EBooks" on the Format menu, go to the bottom of the Format menu and click on "More." This will show you all the different formats of materials available for that search. Find EBooks and click on it to see the electronic books for that search.
If you do not see EBooks listed, it means there are no EBooks for that search.
If there are a large number of Ebooks listed, consider adjusting your search to find Ebooks more specific to your area of interest.