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Sierra How-To Guide: Printing Item Paging Slips in Sierra (Holds)

Printing Item Paging Slips in Sierra

1. Login to Sierra using your personal Sierra login credentials

2. Navigate to the Notices function in Sierra using the Function drop down menu in the upper right corner. 

3. Sierra will ask which printer to send notices to. Always select Local Printer. Select the Local Printer used for this job which is \\xprint\gl401xerox. 

4.  Double click Holds or #9 in the list of notices.   

5. Double clicking Holds will open a separate window. 

If template is not set to GPageSlip in the upper right of the window, follow the instructions below. If it is already set to GPageSlip, skip to step 7. 

6. Select the template you will use to print the paging slips. Select the only option GPageSlip. 


7. Once GPageSlip has been selected, Prepare the slips by clicking Prepare in the upper right hand corner of the window. 




8.  After selecting Prepare a window will appear asking which printer to select. Always select Local Printer. Select the Local Printer used for this job which is \\xprint\gl401xerox. 

Click Print 

9.  A list will populate at the bottom of the window which contains every hold that needs to be pulled for our users. Once the list has populated, send notices to the printer by clicking Send Notices.  


Don’t select Do Not Clear as this will cause slips to be printed multiple times during the day. 

10.  After sending the notices to the printer, a dialogue box will appear. Once the slips have been printed, click Finish Printing. If for some reason the slips did not print, select Resend.  

Do not click Finish Printing until you have confirmed that the notices have been printed. 


The paging slip contains all the information needed to pull a hold from our collection for a user. Information on the paging slip includes: 

  • Patron’s name and address 

  • Author of book 

  • Title of book 

  • Call number 

  • Location 

  • Barcode 

11.  After clicking Finish Printing the list of paging slips will clear, and it is safe to exit out of Sierra.  

Be careful to exit out of your Sierra to avoid anyone using your account.