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Citing McGraw-Hill Access Collections

Click on the grey buttons for information on citing AccessMedicine and to see general formats and examples of citations for each citation style

  • Although AccessMedicine provides a "Get Citation" link at the top of each chapter,  the AccessMedicine citation generator does not necessarily provide the correct citation.
  • In order to create accurate citations:
    • Click on "Get Citation" and view the citation generated by the citation tool to get basic citation information
    • Then, write your own citations using the examples below
    • Please note: some of the  basic information provided in the "Get Citation" citation generator may be incorrect, as you can see in the following example
  • For example,  AccessMedicine refers to all contributors to book content as "editors"--this is incorrect, a content contributor is only an editor for a book if the contributor acts as a content editor for a book with different authors for each chapter. Therefore, if there is no author listed on the top of each chapter, treat the "editor" according to AccessMedicine as an "author."

image of screenshot of chapter in AccessMedicine


  • You can also download the citation for a chapter into a citation management software
  • Use the following steps to download the citation into your preferred citation management software:
    • Click on "Get Citation"  on the top menu of the chapter 
    • Under "Download Citation File," click on the name of the citation management software you use
    • Open the file in the citation management software
  • Please note: Always double check any citation you download into a citation manager to confirm it's accuracy. The example below  will also be generated incorrectly in your citation manager and you will need to fix it
    • AccessMedicine refers to all contributors to book content as "editors"--this is incorrect, a content contributor is only an editor for a book if the contributor acts as a content editor for a book with different authors for each chapter. Therefore, if there is no author listed on the top of each chapter, treat the "editor" according to AccessMedicine as an "author."

image of screenshot of chapter in AccessMedicine 


If you are citing multimedia in AccessMedicine, the date for the resource is not found on the page with the multimedia resource. To locate the date, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Multimedia menu
  2. Click on the Tools menu
  3. Click on "View an exportable list of resources"
  4. Find the resource you are citing in the table of multimedia resources and use the date listed

If you are citing a book in AccessMedicine, the publication year may not be included in the citation generator. To locate the year, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the book
  2. Click on the copyright link underneath the book cover image (located to the left of the main table of contents)
  3. Find the year the edition was published

Creating APA Reference List  (using APA 7th edition)


APA Citation Format for E-book 


General Format:  Author of Whole E-book


Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of book (xx ed., Vol. xx, pp. xx-xx). Publisher. URL 

of database

General Format: Chapter in an Edited E-book: 


Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of book chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book 

(xx ed., Vol. xx, pp. xx-xx). Publisher. URL of Database

  • AccessMedicine books do not typically have page numbers, so you do not need to include them in the citation
  • Important: AccessMedicine refers to all contributors to book content as "editors:--this is incorrect, a content contributor is only an editor for a book if the contributor acts as a content editor for a book with different authors for each chapter. Therefore, if there is no author listed on the top of each chapter, treat the "editor" according to AccessMedicine as an "author." (see example 2 below)
  • You need to cite each chapter in an edited book separately to give credit to the authors of each chapter
  • According to APA,  you should cite the largest entity an author is responsible for, so if an author wrote the whole book, you chould cite the whole book and not individual chapters


Example 1: Edited chapter in e-book with chapter author

von Zastrow, M. (2018). Drug receptors and pharmacodynamics. In B. Katzung (Ed.), Basic and clinical 

pharmacology (14th ed.). McGraw Hill.

Example 2: Author of  Whole E-book


Waxman, S. G. (2017). Clinical neuroanatomy (28th ed.). McGrawHill.


APA Citation Format for Multimedia


General format: Citing multimedia


Author, A. A. (Year, month day). Title [medium]. source.


Example 3: Citing Multimedia


Stern, S. (2019, February 25). Aortic stenosis pathophysiology and compensation [streaming media].


Creating AMA Reference List (Using AMA 11th edition)


AMA Citation Format for E-book

General format: Whole E-book with Author


  1. Author AA, Author BB Author CC, et al. Book Title. nth ed. Publisher; Year: pp-pp. Accessed on Month Day, Year. URL of database
General format: Chapter in Edited E-book


  1. Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, et al. Chapter title. In: Editor AA, Editor BB eds. Book Title. nth ed. Location: Publisher; year: pp-pp. Accessed Month Day, Year. URL
  • AccessMedicine books do not typically have page numbers, so you do not need to include them in the citation but can instead cite the chapter number
  • Important: AccessMedicine refers to all contributors to book content as "editors:--this is incorrect, a content contributor is only an editor for a book if the contributor acts as a content editor for a book with different authors for each chapter. Therefore, if there is no author listed on the top of each chapter, treat the "editor" according to AccessMedicine as an "author." (See Example 2 below)
  • You need to cite each chapter in an edited book separately to give credit to the authors of each chapter
  • According to AMA, you should cite chapters for an authored book if citing specific information in a chapter. (See Example 3 below)
    • You can cite the whole book if your information is not specific to a chapter


Example 1: Edited E-Book Chapter Example


  1. Durrani TS, Olson KR. Medical toxicology. In: Ladou J, Harrison RJ eds. CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment: Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill; 2013: chap 16. Accessed October 23, 2019


Example 2: Whole E-book with Author


  1. Stringer JL. Basic Concepts in Pharmacology: What You Need to Know for Each Drug Class. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill; 2017. Accessed October 23, 2019.
Example 3: Chapter from E-book with Author


  1. Stringer JL. Receptor theory. In: Basic Concepts in Pharmacology: What You Need to Know for Each Drug Class. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill; 2017: chap 2. Accessed October 23, 2019.


AMA citation format: Multimedia


General Format: Citing Multimedia


  1. Author AA. Title. [source]. Publisher. Date. Accessed Month Day, Year. URL/database


Example 4: Citing Multimedia


  1. Stern S. Chronic Aortic Regurgitation. [streaming video]. McGraw Hill. November 12, 2018. Accessed October 23, 2019.


Creating Bibliography in Chicago Note-Bibliography Format


Chicago Style Citation Format for E-Book


General Format for Endnote or Footnote: Author of Whole E-book


  1. First Name Last Name and First Name Last Name, Title of Book, nth ed. (Location: Publisher, year),

page/chapter, URL/Database/Format.


General Format for Corresponding Bibliography: Author of Whole E-Book


Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name. Title of Book, nth ed. Location: Publisher, Year.



General Format for Endnote or Footnote: Chapter in Edited E-book


  1. First Name Last Name and First Name Last Name, "Title of Chapter," in Title of Book, nth ed., ed/s. First Name

Last Name (Location: Publisher, year), pages, URL/Database


General Format for Corresponding Bibliography: Chapter in Edited E-book 


Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name. "Title of Chapter." In Title of Book, nth ed. Edited by First Name

Last Name, pages. Location: Publisher, year. URL/database

  • AccessMedicine books do not typically have page numbers, so you do not need to include them in the citation
  • Important: AccessMedicine refers to all contributors to book content as "editors:--this is incorrect, a content contributor is only an editor for a book if the contributor acts as a content editor for a book with different authors for each chapter. Therefore, if there is no author listed on the top of each chapter, treat the "editor" according to AccessMedicine as an "author." (see example 2 below)
  • You need to cite each chapter in an edited book separately to give credit to the authors of each chapter
  • According to Chicago Style, you should cite the chapter of an authored book in your note if using information in a specific chapter while the bibliography entry can be for the whole book  (Example 2B below)
Example 1: Note for Chapter in Edited E-Book 


  1. Harish Jarrett and Sara Sirna, "Chapter 1: Lipid Disorders,"  in Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Cardiology,

5th ed., ed. Michael H Crawford (New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 2017),


Example 1:  Bibliography for Chapter in Edited E-Book


Jarrett, Harish, and Sara Sirna. "Chapter 1: Lipid Disorders." In Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Cardiology 5th ed.

Edited by Michael H Crawford. New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 2017.


Example 2A: Note for Whole E-book by Author


  1. Stephen G Waxman, Clinical neuroanatomy 28th ed (New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 2017)

Example 2B: Note for Chapter in E-Book by Author


  1. Stephen G Waxman, " Chapter 1: Fundamentals of the Nervous System," in Clinical Neuroanatomy 28th ed

(New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 2017),

Example 2: Bibliography for E-book by Author


Waxman, Stephen G. Clinical Neuroanatomy 28th ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 2017.


Chicago Style Citation Format for Multimedia

General Format  for Endnote or Footnote: Multimedia


  1. First Name Last name. "Title of Video." in Title of Larger Work. Month Day, Year. URL/Database. 

Accessed on Month Day, Year.


General Format for Corresponding Bibliography: Multimedia


Last Name, First Name. "Title of Video." in Title of Larger Work. Month Day, Year. URL/Database. 

Accessed on Month Day, Year.


Example 3: Note for Multimedia


  1. Scott Stern. "Chronic Aortic Regurgitation." in Harrison's Pathophysiology Animations. November 12, 2018.

http://accessmedicine.mhmedical.comAccessed on October 23,2019.


Example 3: Corresponding Bibliography for Multimedia


Stern, Scott. "Chronic Aortic Regurgitation." in Harrison's Pathophysiology Animations. November 12, 2018. Accessed on October 23, 2019.



Creating Reference List in Chicago Author-Date Format


Chicago Style Citation Format for E-Book

General Format for Reference List: Author of Whole E-Book


Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name. Year. Title of Book, nth ed. Location: Publisher.



General Format for Reference List: Chapter in Edited E-book 


Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name. Year. "Title of Chapter." In Title of Book, nth ed. Edited by First

Name Last Name, pages. Location: Publisher. URL/database

  • AccessMedicine books do not typically have page numbers, so you do not need to include them in the citation
  • Important: AccessMedicine refers to all contributors to book content as "editors:--this is incorrect, a content contributor is only an editor for a book if the contributor acts as a content editor for a book with different authors for each chapter. Therefore, if there is no author listed on the top of each chapter, treat the "editor" according to AccessMedicine as an "author." (see example 2 below)
  • You need to cite each chapter in an edited book separately to give credit to the authors of each chapter
Example 1:  Reference for Chapter in Edited E-Book


Jarrett, Harish, and Sara Sirna. 2017. "Chapter 1: Lipid Disorders." In Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Cardiology 

5th ed. Edited by Michael H Crawford. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Example 2: Reference list for E-book by Author


Waxman, Stephen G. 2017. Clinical Neuroanatomy 28th ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.


Chicago Style Citation Format for Multimedia

General Format for Reference List: Multimedia


Last Name, First Name. "Title of Video." in Title of Larger Work. Month Day, Year. URL/Database. 

Accessed on Month Day, Year.


Example 3: Reference List for Multimedia


Stern, Scott. "Chronic Aortic Regurgitation." in Harrison's Pathophysiology Animations. November 12, 2018. Accessed on October 23, 2019.