Adapted under a CC-BY 4.0 license from the The 30-Day Impact Challenge: The Ultimate Guide to Raising the Profile of Your Research eBook published by and authored by Stacy Konkiel.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The Duquesne Scholarship Collection offers a new, very powerful platform for preserving and increasing the discoverability of your scholarly and creative output. We'll talk more about the repository in general tomorrow; for now, we'll just focus on mining readership data through usage statistics provided by the repository software.
On each item's page, you can view the number of downloads for that work:
Another neat feature is that you can view a map of live readership--that is, where content repository-wide is being downloaded in real time. View the live map here.
More notably, once you've published your work in the repository, you'll receive monthly e-mail reports of what you have uploaded and how many times your work has been downloaded in the previous month. You will also be able to access an Author Dashboard, which provides similar, real-time analytics like where your work is being downloaded (at which institutions and geographical locations), when it was downloaded, and, of course, how many times it has been downloaded.
Keep an eye out during tomorrow's challenge for more information about how you can include your work in the Duquesne Scholarship Collection!
Publishers like PLOS display page view and download information for individual articles on their website, alongside other data like citations and altmetrics.
Let’s take a closer look at PLOS’s page view & download metrics. PLOS combines page views that happen on their website with page views and downloads the article receives on PubMed Central in a single view on the top of the article’s page:
If you click on the metrics tab of the article page, you get more useful information: total views and download numbers by source, over time; a basic impact graph; and a graph of the relative popularity of this article, compared to articles in the same discipline that are published in PLOS:
On articles’ Metrics pages, PLOS also provides other data, including citations from a variety of sources, social media and scholarly bookmarking services.
For PLOS and many other publishers, these metrics are only available on their websites. Some pioneering publishers go one step further, sending you an email when you’ve got new page views and downloads on their site.
In addition to displaying page views and downloads on their websites, publishers like PeerJ and Frontiers send notification emails as a service to their authors. Not a PeerJ or Frontiers author? Contact your publisher to find out if they offer notifications for metrics related to articles you’ve published.
If you are a PeerJ or Frontiers author, here are some pointers:
If you’re a PeerJ author, you should receive notification emails by default once your article is published. But if you want to check if your notifications are enabled, sign into, and click your name in the upper right hand corner. Select “Settings.” Choose “Notification Settings” on the left navigation bar, and then select the “Summary” tab. You can then choose to receive daily or weekly summary emails for articles you’re following.
In Frontiers journals, it works like this: once logged in, click the arrow next to your name on the upper left-hand side and select “Settings.” On the left-hand nav bar, choose “Messages,” and under the “Other emails” section, check the box next to “Frontiers monthly impact digest.”
Both publishers aggregate activity for all of the publications you’ve published with them, so no need to worry about multiple emails crowding your inbox at once.