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ClinicalKey Student

This guide will help you get started using ClinicalKey Student


Clinicalkey Student will find the topic of your search with simple entry terms with additional filters after you run your search. A Quick Access Summery will also be provided when available for a summarized, reliable overview of the subject.

  • Use the search bar to find materials on a topic in ClinicalKey Student
  • Simple language is best! Structured, boolean searches (using AND/OR) are not necessary:

Search for "hepatitis" in ClinicalKey Student with several suggested searches in the search bar's drop down menu

  • You can further filter your results by content level, content type,  your specialty from the sidebar:

Search filters in ClinicalKey Student to narrow results

  • You also have the option to only display results from the books and materials that you've saved to your account:

Option to filter results in ClinicalKey Student by books saved to personal account

Study Resources

ClinicalKey Student provides users with books, multimedia including images and videos, and Quick Access Summaries to enrich their studies. You can browse ClinicalKey Student's reference materials by selecting the resource you wish to explore from the dropdown menu "Study Resources":


  • Save books to your account by selecting the star icon near the title in its table of contents or search results:

Options to save book to ClinicalKey Student account or to Bookshelf, a tool in ClinicalKey Student

  • You can save books both to your ClinicalKey Student account or to your Bookshelf to review with additional study tools
  • Book sources allow you to navigate through its chapters and jump to a specific section of your interest:

Drop down menu of book chapters to jump to in ClinicalKey Student book chapter resource

Drop down menu of section within a book chapter to jump to in ClinicalKey Student

  • You can also search the chapter for your subject
  • You can add book resources to your bookshelf or jump to creating a test by selecting the options located in the upper right:

Options to add book to your personal bookshelf or create a test in ClinicalKey Student


  • Multimedia resources include images and videos
  • Images provide details about its source and a description as well as allow users to jump to its source or add the image to a presentation:

Options to view image details, add to presentation, or view in source available for image resource in ClinicalKey Student

  • Videos provide a description, a transcript if available, and a related book source:

Video description for video resource in ClinicalKey Student

Transcript for video resource in ClinicalKey Student


Quick Access Summary

You can browse Quick Access Summaries the same way you can browse books and multimedia. Additionally, Quick Access Summaries will appear with your searches when available to provide reliable information that would be relevant at the point of care.