ClinicalKey Student allows students to save books and presentations to their account, but users can also save books to their Bookshelf to curate their own library of material to review with additional study tools at their convenience. Bookshelf also has its own features that allows users to search for content within their saved books, add annotations, and create their own flashcards. For an in-depth review of these features, Elsevier has their own "Explore Bookshelf Tools" guides on their Bookshelf App Resources page with separate tutorials for the Bookshelf mobile app and the online platform.
You can search for a title within your saved collection as well search for content within a selected title. Your Bookshelf only contains content that you have saved from ClinicalKey Student, and results for your searches will be limited to those saved materials instead of including results from all resources provided in ClinicalKey Student. As you save more content, your Bookshelf will automatically update when launched, and if you save content while your Bookshelf is already open, you can update it with the tools option located in the upper right.
As you review your saved content, you can add highlighted annotations which can be organized by color or by annotations with or without added notes. You can access all of your annotations for a title by selecting the "Highlights, Notes, Bookmarks, and Flashcards" workbook icon located in the upper right.
You can create flashcards while you review material with the option to copy and paste text directly from the source as well as insert any images or figures used in the book you have open. Flashcards are organized into decks that you can run through for study practice and track how many you were able to recall correctly. Decks of flashcards are saved to the workbook of the text you are currently working within and can only be accessed by reviewing the material in Bookshelf.