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Related Guides
5-Day Impact Challenge
The challenge and this accompanying guide are designed to help Duquesne faculty members raise their scholarly profile by:
Improving the discoverability of your research
Promoting your scholarship to key stakeholders
Taking part in scholarly conversations using social media
Measuring the impact of individual publications
AMA Citation Guide
This guide provides selected information on citing the literature using AMA style. When you need additional information, consult the AMA Manual of Style Online: A Guide for Authors and Editors, 11th ed.
A guide about the systematic review management resource Covidence
Critical Appraisal Tools
This guide describes tools to critically evaluate evidenced based reviews and study designs
Drug Information Resources
Full text drug information books, articles, and reference guides
Embase Basics
Embase is an online database providing coverage of one of the largest selections of biomedical literature available
EndNote citation management software is available for free to all Duquesne University users through a campus site license. To access your copy of EndNote, log into DORI with your multipass credentials.
ETD Preparation and Submission: Guidelines for Graduate Students
This guide will give you information on, and walk you through, all aspects of the ETD (electronic theses and dissertations) process.
Finding Patents
Learn about patents and where to find patents
Health Data & Statistics
This guide provides access to health statistics and data from a variety of sources including but not limited to the Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization, US Census Bureau, and Pennsylvania Department of Health.
Health Sciences Literature Searching
A guide to help you search the Health Sciences literature
Matrix Method for Literature Review
This guide focuses on the review matrix step in the literature review process. For more information on searching databases, see the Health Sciences Literature Searching Guide.
Quantitative Research Methods
This guide will help you to find resources about statistical methodologies often used across disciplines.
Scholarly Impact
Includes information about journal metrics and other measures of scholarly impact.