Keep a Journal or Write a Blog!
Improve your writing skills by keeping a physical journal or online blog (and share with your friends)... the trick is to write a little every day, even if it is not perfect. You can write about a special topic (ex. cooking or sports), your life in Pittsburgh, or reviews on restaurants, books, or movies. There are many blogging sites to choose from:
Before you get started, please read this simple guide on copyright law and what copyright means for blogging. The Gumberg Library also offers presentations on copyright law; please check the calendar for upcoming events.
More Blogging Questions?
Need help with your ESL assignments?
Contact Mrs. Barnard to make an appointment with an ESL Tutor. Sessions are held in 425 College Hall.
Kathy Barnard
429 College Hall
Need help with writing assignments from a non-ESL course?
The DUQ Writing Center staff offer short, individual writing lessons based on your writing needs. Work on course assignments, résumés, websites, presentations, personal writing, and more.
Schedule an appointment with Claire Gates, the ESL Writing Specialist. Bring your computer with a copy of your work, so you can revise during the session.
Playing educational games is a fun and effective way to learn anything!
There are many games in the Curriculum Center at the Gumberg Library that help you practice your grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, writing, pronunciation, and more. And you may take them home!
Check out these Online Games:
Writing a paper?
Here are some writing guides to help you get started.
Comment on Online Articles and Blog Posts
Punctuation Guides