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Theology & Catholic Studies Resources: Welcome!

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Research Guides

Reference Works

Individual reference works, print and electronic, can be found by searching the DUQSearch online catalog

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Other Specialized Databases in Theology

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research process

Arts & Humanities Research Process

Check to see if there is a research guide on your topic. These will quickly connect you to all the most important resources on your topic. To see the research guides supporting Theology and Catholic Studies, look in the main box to the left.

If there is no research guide, then follow these steps:

1. Start with Reference Works to get background information and basic facts, also to see your broad topic broken into subtopics, one of which you might choose to use in narrowing your topic.

2. Search DUQSearch for books. Books are time-saving devises that gather, summarize, and synthesize the contents of hundreds of other books and articles and present this content conveniently for your use. Use the table of content and index to get to the specific information you need.

3. Use databases, general and subject-specific, to find articles, which will supplement the information from the books, providing you with the more recent information from researchers and journalists.

need help ted

Need Help?

Ted Bergfelt, MLS

Humanities Librarian

Liaison to the Departments of Theology & Catholic Studies

Phone: 412-396-5351
