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Create an Account with JoVE

We recommend creating a JoVE account to ensure off-campus access. To create an account, click Sign In on the JoVE homepage and then click Create a New Account. Use your Duquesne University email address to get full access. 

Science Education Lab Manual

JoVE Lab Manual is a new section in JoVE that provides detailed lab manuals for introductory biology courses. There are three component videos for each lab:

  1. Instructor Prep Videos 
    • This video provides directions for the instructor on how to run the specific lab. JoVE also provides printable versions of the learning objectives, materials list, and prep protocol.
  2. Concepts Videos
    • This video demonstrates the fundamental ideas and concepts that will need to be understood for the lab.
  3. Student Protocol Video
    •  This video shows students how to replicate the procedure and the protocol steps to complete the lab.

Create a JoVE Test

JoVE has a create a test feature where teachers and faculty can create a test to grasp how well students understood the material presented in the shared video.

JoVE tests can only be created for Science Education videos.

  1. Maeke suire you have created the JoVE account and then choose Science Education video. 
  2. Above the video, click the create a JoVE test button.
  3. Once you login to your account, you will have the option to choose pre-generated questions or create your own. 
  4. After you create the test, JoVE will present you with several options to send the test and administer it. 

For detailed step-by-step instructions, watch the YouTube video below.