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Finding Dissertations

A Gumberg Library research guide

Gumberg Library Catalog

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Gumberg Library Classic Catalog

Duquesne University dissertations from 1969 to the present have links to electronic full text and are also available in microfilm format on the 1st floor of the library. Dissertations and theses published before July 1, 2003 are available in print on the 1st floor of the library. These can be identified by using the Classic Catalog Advanced Search. There are links to full text Duquesne theses and dissertations in the Classic catalog.

To be certain of finding all Duquesne dissertations, you will need to search ProQuest Dissertations Global, the ETDs (including in the Duquesne Scholarship Collection) and in the Classic Catalog.

Click the image above to search the Classic Catalog Advanced Search.

Search Tip

Search Tip

Using the Classic Catalog Advanced Search to Find Duquesne Dissertations & Theses

Using the Classic Catalog Advanced Search is an efficient way to limit a search to dissertations and theses. To get to the Classic Catalog Advanced Search screen, click on the blue button in the box above.

Enter your search terms in the search fields, changing the menus in front of the search boxes as appropriate. Then to limit your search to PhD dissertations and master's theses, in the next search box type the words "Duquesne AND thesis." Then change the menu in front of this search box to "Note." This is very important because it is this that tells the search engine to look in the Note field of each catalog record for indications that an item is a Duquesne University PhD dissertation or master's thesis. (The Classic Catalog does not make a distinction between "dissertations" and "theses," but considers both types of documents "theses.")

Screenshot with "Note:" selected in drop down menu and "duquesne AND thesis" in search box

To see Duquesne theses and dissertations that are available electronically, first click the title link in the catalog record (as pictured directly below) to go to the detailed catalog record for that thesis or dissertation.

Arrow to hyperlinked article

In the detailed record, click then on the "Online Version: Access for Duquesne University Authorized Users" link to see the electronic version of the thesis or dissertation. You will need to enter your Multipass username and password to see these documents if you are off-campus.

Screenshot shows arrow to hyperlinked "Access for Duquesne University Authorized Users"

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