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ETD Guidelines: Overview

Welcome to the guide for the ETD process here at Duquesne!

ETD simply stands for electronic theses and dissertations, and many graduate programs at the university require you submit one to the institutional repository as a graduation requirement. They are then reviewed by the Scholarly Communications and Systems Librarian to ensure they adhere to Duquesne's guidelines.

This guide will walk you through the process of submitting your ETD to the library, the formatting review process, and useful resources.

Preparation Submission Revision
  1. Review the ETD Guidelines
  2. Review the available Formatting Templates
  3. Obtain all necessary Copyright Permission(s)
  4. Work with committee to identify an appropriate scholarly style
  5. Schedule your defense with respect to the ETD filing deadline in the Academic Calendar.
  1. Complete all ETD Submission Steps in order to meet the ETD Submission deadline
    • ProQuest Submission
    • DSC Submission
    • ETD Approval Form Submission
  2. Once ETD is submitted, expect to be contacted within 1 to 2 weeks by the ETD Coordinator about any final revisions that must be made
  1. Consider the ETD Coordinator’s suggested revisions
  2. Submit the final edited version to the ETD Coordinator for final approval
  3. When your dissertation is in full compliance with the university formatting guidelines, you will receive an email notification copying the University Registrar and the chair of your committee in thereby completing the process

Graduate Students' Responsibilities

The graduate student is responsible for the preparation, submission, and revision of the electronic thesis or dissertation. It is also up to the graduate student to ensure that all deadlines are met in order to be eligible for graduation. These responsibilities include the following:

  1. Preparation of electronic thesis or dissertation based on ETD Guidelines and under the supervision of their chair and committee
  2. Meeting all deadlines, including the ETD filing deadline included in the Academic Calendar and any subsequent internal deadlines for final revisions set by the ETD Coordinator
  3. Completion of all ETD submission steps in order to meet the filing deadline
  4. Obtaining all necessary copyright permission(s)
  5. Consistent adherence to a chosen citation style and organizational schema throughout the document
  6. Quality and accuracy of text, illustrations, and data
  7. Serious consideration of the ETD Coordinator’s suggested revisions and timely submission of revisions

ETD Submission Deadlines

Graduation Deadline
Spring 2024 April 2
Summer 2024 July 12
Fall 2024 November 22
Spring 2025 April 11


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