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Searching with SciFindern

SciFindern contains powerful filtering and search capabilities that allow users to search via keywords, CAS number, structures, and more. Find relevant research quickly and access substance properties and suppliers to build your lab plan! Below you will find an overview of search methods with links to further guidance on the SciFindern site. 


The SciFinder home screen search bar



Use SciFindern's built in structure builder to search for exact molecular structures or substructures, or use a substance name for CAS number to find quick properties, publications, reactions, and more. 

More guidance on searching for substances can be found on the SciFinder help page.


CAS Draw allows the user to draw a chemical structure and search for matches within SciFinder.



Use structure builders or reaction ID numbers to search for mentions of specific chemical reactions in literature and find experimentally published pathways. 

More guidance on searching for reactions can be found on the SciFinder help page.



Search through scientific literature as you would in any database. Quickly find and access papers, view quick summaries and citation lists, see all structures and reactions in a paper, and more!

More guidance on searching for references can be found on the SciFinder help page. 



Find suppliers of laboratory grade chemicals and links to the exact materials your need all in one place. Filter by region, price, and availability, and save your favorite suppliers for the next time you need to order a chemical. 

More guidance on searching for suppliers can be found on the SciFinder help page. 



Use this tool to search for specific nucleotide and protein sequences within scientific literature via BLAST, CDR, and Motif algorithms. Sequence searching supports file uploads including .txt and .fasta, and can be set to include sequences found in NCBI databases. Advanced search tools allow you to set match conditions and rankings for potential matches. 

More guidance on searching sequences can be found on the SciFinder help page.

A blue button reads Search CAS Sequences and shows a double helix structure.


CAS Lexicon

This tool will assist you in building a search by suggesting related terms from SciFindern's controlled vocabularies to the keywords you enter in the search bar. Use this tool to expand or narrow your search, or to generate search terms for systematic reviews. The lexicon tool allows you to select new terms and add them to your query one by one with different Boolean operators to find matches for specific search criteria.

More information about using the CAS Lexicon search tool can be found on the SciFinder help page. 

A blue button reads Search CAS Lexicon and has a white SciFinder logo