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Patent Searching in SciFinder

Duquesne's SciFindern subscription allows users to search for patent and intellectual property information quickly in SciFindern

If you know the patent number you are looking for, enter it in the search field below the search bar on the homepage.


Under the main search bar, a search bar is indicated with the search field option "Patent number" selected


You can also find patent numbers and links to full text underneath reference results by selecting the PatentPak button. 


The PatentPak button has been selected and a menu appears below with PDF links for the full patent


More guidance can be found on the SciFinder help page.

To learn more about patent searching, check out the Gumberg Library research guide!

Chemscape and Bioscape

SciFindern provides two visualization tools for examining the patent landscape of a molecular structure or biological sequence. These tools, Chemscape and Bioscape, allow inventors to see published intellectual property of materials or sequences similar in structure to searched structures in a 3D bar graph to assist in identifying gaps or existing coverage in a research space.

More information about Chemscape and Bioscape can be found on the SciFinder help page.