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Medieval Topics: Collected Research Guides: Gumberg Library


Welcome to this collective research guide on various topics from the Middle Ages. Click an image to visit a particular guide. If you are on a phone, turn your phone sideways for better viewing. If you find this guide helpful, but are looking for more information, scroll to the bottom for links to other collective guides on literature and other subjects in the Humanities. At the bottom, you will also learn how to get help with your research.

Thomas Aquinas

Screenshot of the Thomas Aquinas research guide

Beowulf: A Research Guide

Screenshot of the Beowulf research guide


Screenshot of the the Chaucer research guide

The Gawain-Poet: A Research Guide

Screenshot of the Gawain-Poet research guide

King Arthur and His Knights

Screenshot of  the King Arthur and His Knights research guide

Medieval Philosophy

Screenshot of the Medieval Philosophy research guide

Middle English - Language and Literature

Screenshot of the Middle English research guide

Robin Hood: A Research Guide

Screenshot of the Robin Hood research guide

Saint Francis and the Francisians

Screenshot of St. Francis and the Franciscans guide

Women Mystics

Screenshots of the Women Mystics research guide

Need Help?

If at any time you need help with using Gumberg Library resources, please contact Ted Bergfelt, Humanities Librarian, via email or by phone at 412-426-5430, 8:30 am-4:30 pm ET, Monday-Friday. If he is not available, Ask Gumberg

This guide was created by Alivia Austin, English Department Intern, and Ted Bergfelt, Humanities Librarian, September 2023