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University Library Committee Communication Page: Welcome


Functions of the University Library Committee

The purposes of the University Library Committee (ULC) are: to advise the Provost and the University Librarian on the formulation of library policy in relation to the development of resources for instruction and research; on the formulation of policy for the allocation of library resources; on the development of library facilities; and on the development of a general program of library services to Duquesne University as a whole within the framework of the Mission. The ULC also provides a forum for communication and discussion about library-related concerns.

The ULC is one of the standing committees of the University (see the Faculty Handbook, p.7). Faculty representatives to the ULC are appointed by the Deans of the college and the schools.

Photo: Back exterior of Gumberg Library

Page maintained by:

Ted Bergfelt, MLS

Humanities Librarian

Gumberg Library

Duquesne University
