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Sierra How-To Guide for Work-Study Students: Search

Searching the Catalog

Typically, it is easier to search for materials using the public interface. However, there may be times where you need to look up materials in Sierra.

Searching for materials is done by selecting the Search/Holds function.

Function menu: From the Function drop-down menu, choose Search/Holds.

Searching for items: A title search option will appear. In the left drop-down menu, you can change the parameters of what you are searching. For example, we often need to search by barcode.

You can also use the + by the Search button to add parameters.

Searching for materials: As an example, we have searched for the title "Clockwork Orange."

A listing of materials is summarized on the left, in the facets. You can click any of these facets to narrow your search. On the right the item records are listed.

  • The format is displayed, so you can easily tell what type of material you are looking at. This may also be narrowed in the facets.
  • The call number and library are also listed. We share a catalog with the Law Library, so make sure you are looking at Gumberg records!
  • On the right you will see how many copies are available. If the record says Suppressed, it means that the item is missing or unavailable.

Viewing title records: To view an item in more detail, double-click on it.

A listing of the copies we own will appear, with the call numbers, barcodes, and locations. The location is only displayed by code, but if you go into the individual record you can see the location name. If the item is checked out it will display the due date. If it is not checked out the status is listed as Available.

Viewing item records: To look at one of the copies, double-click on it.

Much of this information you will not need for your day-to-day work. However, a few pieces here may be helpful:

  • Status: Available means it should be on the shelf.
  • Location: The code and the name are listed here. In this instance, we see that g2 means the second floor.
  • LCHKIN: This is the date the book was last returned. If it was returned recently, this can help you figure out if the book is sitting on a cart for reshelving.

Again, it is typically easier to search for items in QuickSearch. Next, let's go over how to search for course reserves.