Books / eBooks
Finding Books & eBooks
DUQ Search
Index to Gumberg Library’s print books, eBooks, streaming videos, periodical articles, DVDs, CDs, and other sorts of materials.
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DuqSearch Library Research Guide
eBooks: How to Find Them
This guide will show you how to find and access eBooks: our collections contain approximately 525,000 items including 130,000 Early English Books Online (EEBO) from major providers like EBSCO and Ebook Central, as well as many others.
Streaming Videos
This guide will show you how to search for streaming videos and how to access them, and use them in your online class.
Selected eBook Collections
AccessMedicine This link opens in a new window
Provides a variety of resources needed to excel in basic science studies and clerkships; instant access to videos, self-assessment, and leading medical textbooks with optimized content for any mobile device.
AccessPharmacy This link opens in a new window
Provides access to pharmacy textbooks, videos, games, cases, Q&A, NAPLEX review, and other resources that support pharmacy students as well as practicing pharmacists.
Ebook Central (ProQuest) This link opens in a new window
ProQuest's collection of over 200,000 full-text ebooks.
eBook Collection (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window
EBSCO's ebook collection includes a wide selection of academic e-books including reference works, scholarly monographs, literature, and fiction from top publishers and presses.