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An overview of BrowZine, a tool for browing full issues of scholarly journals

Accessing BrowZine on Your Mobile Device 

  • Open your device's app store 
  • Search for "BrowZine" in search bar 
  • Click to download 
  • Log in with your Duquesne Multipass 

For full access to your personal bookshelves and articles you need to sign into your account with your Duquesne email and your BrowZine password.

  • Go to settings on your mobile app 
  • Click "Log In" underneath where it says "BrowZine Account" 

A login box prompts users to enter login information for BrowZine using their Duquesne email and BrowZine password.

Share and Save Publications on the app

  • Log into your BrowZine app
  • In My Articles, select the article you wish to share 
  • From here you have options to share and save the issue onto your device

You can only use the PDF function if you are looking at a specific issue of an article. 


A menu opens allowing users to share the article to social media, open it in a browser, email or save a PDF, and add the article to reference managers like EndNote