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Social Justice and Health Care for Veterans : Home

Purpose of This Guide

The purpose of this guide is to raise awareness about veterans as a vulnerable population.

This guide will provide information on the wide variety of issues that veterans face by directing you to useful books, films, research databases, and additional resources. 

This guide will also provide resources and information on how to care for veterans and help reintegrate them back into society. 

Vulnerable Populations Explained

Vulnerable populations are social groups of people with an increased risk of health-related problems. These social groups commonly consist of the elderly, disabled, chronically ill, poor, and minorities. Due to the lack of health care that vulnerable populations receive, their mortality rates are high and their quality of life is low. Vulnerable populations are frequently marginalized and discriminated against, which contributes to their lower social status.

For more detailed information on vulnerable populations, visit this site:

Vulnerable Populations: Who Are They?


Veterans as a Vulnerable Population

After coming home from war, many soldiers face physical, mental, and social issues that make them a vulnerable population. Some of these issues include, but are not limited to:

  • Brain Damage
  • Depression
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Anxiety
  • Substance abuse
  • Loss of limb(s) 
  • Homelessness
  • Unemployment
  • Family and interpersonal problems
  • Trouble adjusting to civilian life 

Veterans Day Tribute Video