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Creating an Account

NOTE: To use UpToDate through Duquesne University or use the mobile app, you must create an UpToDate Account.

Creating an Account

  1. Click UpToDate and enter in your MultiPass credentials.
  2. Once on the UpToDate Log In page, click Register Now.
  3. Use your Duquesne email address when filling out the form.
  4. Click Submit Registration.

Logging into UpToDate

  1. Click UpToDate and enter in your MultiPass credentials.
  2. Log in using your UpToDate username and password.
  • You can use this same username and password with the UpToDate mobile application.

Mobile App

Logging into the UpToDate Mobile App

  1. Go to Google Play or the App Store and download the app.
  2. Enter your UpToDate account username and password.
  3. If you get an error message, try the the following or Ask Gumberg:
    • Tap Sign In Another Way
    • Search for Open Athens
    • Enter Duquesne
    • Sign in with MultiPass
    • If necessary, sign in with your UpToDate account


  1. In order to continue using the app, you need to login to UpToDate every 90 days using MultiPass. 
  2. If UpToDate works on your computer but not your app:
    • Delete and reinstall the app
    • Follow the Logging into the UpToDate Mobile App instructions above
    • If that still does not work, Ask Gumberg