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Trauma-Informed Care

This resource outlines details related to Trauma-Informed Care, created for the Rangos School of Health Sciences' Day of Unity 2024 Events.

What is Trauma?

Trauma is the result of an event (or series of events) that are emotionally distressing or dangerous with lasting negative impacts on individual psychological, physical, social, and emotional wellbeing(5).

Causes of Trauma

Trauma is the emotional and physical response to an event (or series of events) that are stressful, frightening, dangerous, or distressing(6). Trauma can result from numerous situations and experiences, including the following examples(7,8):

  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual assault/harassment
  • Neglect
  • Bullying
  • Psychological, emotional, or verbal abuse
  • Childhood abuse
  • Serious health issues
  • Grief or death of a loved one
  • Accidents
  • Terrorism
  • Natural disasters
  • Military combat
  • Medical trauma

Remember - this is not a comprehensive list of traumatizing experiences, as trauma is subjective. Any instance in which someone is under extreme distress, danger, or perceives themselves to be in distress or danger can be traumatic.


Signs of Trauma

The interactive image below outlines some of the different ways that trauma can impact an individual's biopsychosocial health. Click the labels of the different signs to see more examples of each.

Note - This image adapts information from SAMHSA (9). Click the quotation mark (top left corner) to view a citation.