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2024 Research and Scholarship Symposia

This guide is designed to help students prepare posters and scholarship for the URSS and GRS.

Gumberg Library Award for Graduate Research



The Gumberg Library Award for Graduate Research recognizes excellence in application of research methods that demonstrate substantial use of library resources. Outstanding projects in any field of study that incorporate significant use of library expertise, resources, collections, and/or services are eligible. Thanks to the generous financial support of donors, the award will include a $500 cash prize.



Posters accepted for Duquesne University’s Graduate Research and Scholarship Symposium (GSRS) will be considered for the Gumberg Library Award for Graduate Research.


Evaluation Criteria 

A committee of library faculty and administrators will judge relevant posters based on research questions and depth of inquiry, effective use of appropriate literature and data to support conclusions, and innovative or creative contribution to the field of study. Emphasis will be placed on sound application of research methodology and significant incorporation of Gumberg Library’s resources into the project. Posters will also be evaluated on design, clarity, organization, and successful communication of ideas to those unfamiliar with the field.


Scoring Rubric 

Extensive and/or creative use of Gumberg Library’s resources [40% of score]:
•    Manuscripts, archival or special collections
•    Databases and other electronic collections
•    Printed resources 
•    Library services 

Effective application of principles of research [35% of score]:
•    Effective management, organization, and synthesis of information in accordance with research method(s) appropriate to the question/hypothesis
•    Substantive use of existing research to support the project 
•    Clearly documented sources cited according to the conventions of the discipline

Effective communication of research/scholarship [25% of score]:
•    Clear explanation of research hypothesis, methods, results, and conclusions
•    Use of appropriate reporting standards or norms for the type of research presented
•    Clear explanation of the project’s contribution to the field of study or to society 
•    Effective use of poster medium and organization of project material

2024 Gumberg Library GRS Award Winner

Rebekka Range, “Conducting a Psychiatric Analysis Using Collateral Materials: A Case Study of Theodore Kaczynski”

2024 grs winner

2023 Gumberg Library GRS Award Winner

Sarah Alzahrani & Abdulrhman Ashgar, "A Review of Behavioral Interventions Used to Improve Menstrual Hygiene Independence in Young Women with Developmental Disabilities"

2023 Gumberg Library GRS Award Winner

2022 Gumberg Library GRS Award Winner

Brooke Baker, "Impact of COVID-19 on Sexual Assaults in the City of Pittsburgh--A Case Study"