Duquesne University in 1920, as it appeared during the "Duquesne Monthly's" tenure.
Via Historic Pittsburgh.
"The Duquesne Monthly" was the student newspaper published from 1911-1928, between the publication of the "Pittsburg College Bulletin" and the "Duquesne Duke." The first issue of the "Duquesne Monthly" was released in May 1911 and chronicled a monumental milestone in the school's history as it became the first Catholic institution of higher learning in Pennsylvania to become a university. What was once the Pittsburg Catholic College of the Holy Ghost became the Duquesne University of the Holy Ghost, hence the periodical's name change.
...our anxiety was ended and our fondest hopes realized when a telephone message from the ofice of Watson and Freeman, joyfully announced the glad tidings that the final order of the Court granting the petition and the amendment, had just been handed down by Presiding Judge, Robert S. Frazer. The said order reads as follows: "And now, to- wit, this 30th day of March, 1911, the foregoing petition for amendment of Charter, with the endorsements thereon, was presented to me, a law Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, No. 2, of Allegheny County ... I do hereby approve the same and and order and decree that, upon the recording of the said petition, with the recommendation of the said Council and a copy of this order of Court, in the Recorder's Office of Allegheny County, the amendment prayed for therein shall be allowed. - Judge Robert S. Frazer, as quoted in the "Duquesne Monthly" vol 18, no. 1, May 1911, page 250. |
The "Duquesne Monthly" was advertised as a "literary magazine," and could be purchased for $1 a year by students and the people of Greater Pittsburgh. Though it documented the accomplishments of Duquesne Alumni, various athletic updates, and campus events, the "Duquesne Monthly" was largely composed of student writing. In addition to original poetry and short stories by collegiate authors, the "Monthly" provided scholarly takes on classic writers such as Shakespeare and musings on the relationship between modern life and religion.
The "Duquesne Monthly" was published during a very active period in Duquesne's history and saw a number of notable events. Some of these events included the foundation of the Graduate School and the Schools of Pharmacy, Music, and Education, in 1914, 1925, 1926, and 1929 respectively, as well as the graduation of the first female student in 1913. Also notable was University's 50th anniversary in 1928, and in greater world history, the conclusion of World War I.
The cover of the "Duquesne Monthly," vol. 18, no. 1, published May 1911.