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Norse Mythology & Literature: Home


Painting: Detail from Thor's Battle with the Ettins, by Martin Eskil Winge, 1872. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Detail from Thor's Battle with the Ettins, by Martin Eskil Winge, 1872. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Important Texts

All these works may be borrowed from the Gumberg Library. Call numbers and locations are given.


This research guide is designed to connect students to resources on Norse Mythology and Literature. It covers both mythology and literature because of the close connection between the two. Along with resources specifically on the myth and literature of the Norse world (Iceland, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden) it also covers Germanic and Anglo-Saxon mythology and literature because the cultures of these peoples shared much with the Norse.

Use the tabs at the top of the screen to access the different sorts of resources available.

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If at any time in your research your need help, Ask Gumberg. Or you can contact me, Ted Bergfelt, the creator of this page. Click to Send Email, or phone me at 412.396.5351.

Reference Works - Electronic

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Reference Works - Print

Call numbers and locations are given.

Find Books - Norse Myth

Click on a link below to see all books under that subject in the online catalog. 

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All of these resources can be accessed from off-campus, but you will need to enter your Multipass username and password in order to use them. To learn how to tell if full text is available, click here.