Dove of the Holy Spirit, by Bernini, stained glass, (ca. 1660), St. Peter's Bascilica, Vatican. Source: Wikimedia Commons
Pneumatology is the branch of Christian systematic theology that deals with the Holy Spirit. It is a topic that comes up in many Theology classes at Duquesne. This page was designed to get researchers quickly to background information, books, and journal articles accessible through the Gumberg Library on pneumatological topics.
For some basic information on the topic of the Holy Spirit, click on the links below. To read the first document off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your Multipass username and password.
"God (Holy Spirit)," New Catholic Encyclopedia
"Spirit of God," New Catholic Encyclopedia
"Holy Spirit," New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge
The works below with underlined titles are available electronically. Click a title to search the book. When you do, you may be asked for your Multipass information.
The Library of Congress Subject Headings do not use the term "Pneumatology." Instead, they use "Holy Spirit" as their way of referring to that concept.
Click on a link below to run a subject search for all books on that topic in the online catalog.
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If you need more extensive help, I am available for individual consultations. Click on the link below to set up an appointment.