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Psychology Resources

A Gumberg Library Research Guide


Other Databases for Tests

These databases provide information regarding psychological tests and instruments.  They may not have the full test available, but many provide citations and/or publisher information that will guide you in finding the full text of the test.

APA PsycInfo

A companion to APA PsycTests.  APA PsycInfo contains information regarding the tests, some full tests, and citation information to guide you to full test text.

Research Tip: Be sure to select TM Tests & Measurements when searching the name of a test.


Educational Testing Service allows you to search for tests and instruments.  These test/instruments are available for purchase and/or contain publisher and citation information that will lead you to a free version of the full test.

In Advanced Search, keyword search the name of the test but keep the first two boxes the same.

searching ets


Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature, provides reviews of test and measurements.  This resource probably will not have the full test, but it will provide you with citation and publisher information that will lead you to the full test.

Research Tip: Be sure to change the field to IN Instrumentation.


Health and Psychological Instruments can lead you to some full tests. Others will provide citation information that will guide you in finding the full test. 

There are multiple ways to search HaPI when looking for a test.

See Guide: Research Instruments for detailed instructions on how to search HaPI for tests and full tests.

Go to "Getting the Full Instrument" and then find the tab for HaPI.

MMY with Tests in Print

Mental Health Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print provides tests and measures for a number of disciplines.

Research Tip: Make sure to change the field to TI Test Name.


National Child Traumatic Stress Network provides reviews of test and instruments. Citations are available that will lead you to the full test.    

searching NCTSN

►Research Tip: You can search by a number of different fields.  If you know the name or abbreviation of the tests, searching by the acronym may be a good choice. 

Visit the Research Instruments Guide for additional research support and sources.