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T. S. Eliot: Home

A Gumberg Library Research Guide


This research guide will connect you to reference works, print books and ebooks, databases for articles, and other information sources on one of the most influential poets of modern times, Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888-1965)

Introductory Articles

All of these resources can be accessed from off-campus, but you will need to enter your Multipass username and password when you click on a link below.

Reference Works

Selected Journals

To use e-journals off-campus, you will need to enter your Multipass username and password when you click on a link

Find Articles

Each link will run an search for all articles on Pound in a particular database. You will need to enter your Multipass username and password when you click on a link.

How do you find full text?

Find Dissertations

To access electronic resources off campus you will need to enter your Multipass information


T. S Eliot (Arena, BBC TV)

Image turned into a button which when clicked will take viewer to all episode's of the PBS series called "Voices & Visions"

Click the logo above to visit this website

At this site you will find great videos about a number of modernist poets, including: T. S. Eliot

Need Help?

If at any time you need help with research in the Humanities, please contact Ted Bergfelt, Humanities Librarian, via email or by phone at 412-396-5351, 8:30 am-4:30 pm ET, Monday-Friday. If he is not available, Ask Gumberg