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Remembering the Rwandan Genocide: Introduction

This research guide is an online companion to the African Studies Walk of Remembrance


Skulls from Rwandan Genocide

In 1994, the most blatant example of geoncide since World War II was committed over 100 days before the eyes of the world. Members of the Hutu tribe slaughtered between 800,000 to one million of their Tutsi neighbors, people with whom they had lived for decades, sharing culture, language, religion, and their poverty. How could this happen, and why?

This research guide was created in conjunction with the Walk to Remember, sponsored by the Center for African Studies, so that Duquesne students, faculty, and staff, can learn (or be reminded) of this savage tragedy, so that we can be watchful for the signs of growing hatred, manifpulation, and violence, so that we can all be ready to work to see that nothing like this ever happens again.

This guide will connect the user to basic information from online encyclopedias about the genocide and the Rwandan country and people, to links that search the Gumberg Library DUQSearch catalog for books, print and electronic, to a generous selection of EBooks, as well as to links that search selected databases for articles from magazines and journals. Selected videos from the Internet are also included.

Use the tabs at the top of the screen to move to the different sections of the guide.

Text above adapted from the "The Rwandan Genocide of the 1990s," in A Historical Companion to Postcolonial Literatures: Continental Europe and Its Empires.

Photo from the Nyamata Memorial Site, by Fanny Schertzer. CC BY-SA 3.0. Source Wikimedia Commons

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