The 2020 General Election on November 3 is critically important and is in the midst of a pandemic.
Students living outside of their county are typically eligible for Absentee Ballots, while many states have expanded Vote by Mail in light of our public health crisis. We are dedicated to helping our students who are eligible to vote be empowered to exercise their franchise.
Please note! There are concerns about post office delays. If you are going to vote absentee, request and return your ballot as early as possible. Also, you might consider dropping your ballot off by hand if you are voting from your permanent address. Information is included.
On this site, you will find the information you need arranged by state. Please note that states are changing their processes to address the pandemic and check back for those that have not yet decided.
I don't have a printer
Many states require printed forms. If you do not have a printer, will print your absentee ballot application and mail it to you with a pre-paid envelope. On this site, you can verify your registration, register, request an Mail-in Ballot.
Some states require copies of your IDs. If you are in one of these states and don''t have a printer, the organization will print copies, print your forms and send everything to you with a pre-address and paid envelope. Also, if you do not have an acceptable ID, Voteriders will help you get one.
Request a Ballot by State by Gwendolyn Reece is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.