The links in this section direct you to Gumberg Library catalog searches for resources with the subjects "Pennsylvania" and "history." These searches may help you to get started if you are searching for a topic for your research paper. You can also add on to these searches to narrow them to focus on a specific topic (more on this below!).
Pennsylvania and Quakerism (find here also: William Penn)
Pennsylvania and Native Americans
Pennsylvania and the Revolutionary War (books and ebooks)
Pennsylvania and the Revolutionary War (journal articles)
Pennsylvania and the War of 1812
Pennsylvania and slavery/anti-slavery
Pennsylvania and the Civil War
Pennsylvania and industrialists (for a specific individual, try searching their name in quotation marks instead)
Pennsylvania and the Progressive Era
Pennsylvania and economic history
Pennsylvania and the environment
Pennsylvania and architecture / urban planning
See also: Literary & Cultural Heritage Map of PA, Writers from Pennsylvania
Postcard from the Heinz History Center Detre Library & Archives: View of Carnegie Steel Works, Homestead, PA