"After Camp: Portraits in Midcentury Japanese American Life and Politics" by Greg Robinson
Available as an eBook.
"Encyclopedia of Japanese American Internment" edited by Gary Okihiro
Available at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
"A Tragedy of Democracy: Japanese Confinement in North America" by Greg Robinson
Available at Gumberg Library.
"Japanese American Internment During WWII: A History and Reference Guide" by Wendy Ng
Available at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
This guide is intended to provide users with resources on the Japanese American internment in the United States during World War II. In 1942, President Roosevelt authorized the deportation of over 120,000¹ mainland Japanese Americans to assembly centers and internment camps. Japanese American citizens were forced to live in these internment camps until the closing of Tule Lake, the final segregation center, in 1946.²
Books offered in the Gumberg library catalog, accessible research articles and databases, as well as the primary research documents that help teach on this subject will be featured in this guide.
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