This is a good site to find travel alerts, travel advisories related to specific countries, passport information and embassy information geared specifically toward US citizens traveling abroad.
This resource allows you to view facts about different countries, gives country comparisons, and shows different maps, such as a political map of the world.
This site has information on customs, etiquitte, and protocols of various countries. After clicking on a country, there is information on society and culture, language, and business practices.
Search by country to learn more about business practices, such as dress, business cards and titles, gift giving, and more. First, pick a country, read the basic information, then scroll down to find business practices.
The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre focuses on tracking human rights and business around the world. This site has the option of searching by topic or browsing companies, issues, countries, and more.
This site archives the books published by the UN Development Policy and Analysis Division since 1999 in PDF form, freely available to everyone. The books focus on thematic economic issues, trends, and prospects.