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Gun Violence Resources: At Duquesne

Learn more about gun violence around the globe, policies, and gun safety.

Resources at Duquesne

Read the following excerpts from TAP 48: Weapons and Violence -- Campus and Workplace to find out how gun violence is handled at Duquesne: 

"Duquesne University is committed to maintaining a safe learning and working environment for all members of the University community. The University will not tolerate acts of aggression, harassment, or violence on its campus, at off-campus locations administered by the University, or in its programs. This policy of "zero tolerance" includes but is not limited to verbal and/or physical aggression, attacks, threats, harassment, intimidation, bullying, domestic violence, the possession, display or threat of a weapon, or other disruptive behavior which causes or could cause a reasonable person to fear physical harm by an individual(s) or group(s) against any person(s) and/or property. Such behavior is prohibited by Duquesne University."

(Take note: In Pennsylvania, concealed carry is legal, but at Duquesne, weapons are banned from campus!)

Watch the Preparing for an Active Shooter Incident video from Campus Safety and learn more about campus safety initiatives at Duquesne.