Circulation ActivityCirculation Transactions Using PowerBI (updated monthly by SASC by the 10th of each month)
Electronic Resources -- Successful LoginsSuccessful logins to the library's electronic resources by type of user, and by school (updated monthly by SASC by the 10th of each month)
Information Services to Individuals
Questions Answered Quick ViewTrendline of questions asked over time (automatically updated as questions are recorded)
Study Rooms and Other Spaces UtilizationTracks how many times study rooms, and other library spaces have been booked, and how many users were unique to each space. (updated by SASC monthly by the 10th of each month)
Interlibrary Loan Services
ILLiad ActivityILLiad data from Power BI (updated by SASC by the 10th of each month)
Summary of Physical ItemsThe current number of physical items in Gumberg Library broken down by item type, location, and Library of Congress classification number interactive presentation in PowerBI (updated monthly by the 10th of each month by SASC)
Summary of Streaming MediaStreaming Media available through Gumberg Library including audio, video, and audio book materials
Social Media
Twitter MetricsInteractive dashboards showing the impressions and engagements on Twitter (updated by the 10th of each month by SASC)
Facebook MetricsData showing Facebook engagement (updated by the 10th of each month by SASC)
Miscellaneous Services of Interest
Hourly Floor CountsHead Counts of each floor of the library (updated weekly or more frequently as requested by SASC)
Libary of ThingsFeatured collection of games, devices, and other equipment available to check out from the library (updated monthly by SASC by the 10th of each month)
Holds Placed and Holds FilledHolds filled and holds placed by month and the reported difference (called "on search")
LibGuides AccessedLibGuides page hits (automatically updated in real time)
Faculty and Student ScholarshipWork produced by faculty and students (other than ETDs) availabile in the Institutional Repository ( (updated by SASC by the 10th of each month)
Phenomenology Related CollectionsPhenomenology Center collections in the Institutional Repository. (updated monthly by SASC on the 10th of each month)
Spiritan MaterialsSpiritan materials in the Institutional Repository (updated monthly by SASC on the 10th of each month)