Widely known for his children's fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis (1898-1963) was a prolific writer of both fantasy and nonfiction. Growing up an atheist and converting to Christianity later in his life, Lewis became an important voice for Christian Apologetics, producing works on Christian principles as well as inserting Biblical allegories into his fictional works. Lewis was also an important figure in literary studies as a scholar and professor of Medieval and Renaissance English literature.
This research guide will connect you to reference works, print books and ebooks, databases for articles, and other information sources on this important British writer.
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The Real Life of C.S. Lewis from Absolute History
C.S. Lewis' BBC Talk on The New Man
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The Chronicles of Narnia
Space Trilogy
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This research guide was created by Hannah Goss, English Department Intern at Gumberg Library, October 2022