Local preschool, pre-K, and K-12 charter, cyber, and religious schools who have made prior arrangements with the Curriculum Center may arrange to borrow materials from Gumberg.
A dated letter of introduction is required and must:
Send the completed letter of introduction to the Curriculum Center Coordinator: Danielle Henzler (buck@duq.edu)
Students from St. Anthony's School are required to show a Duquesne University issued ID to register for borrowing privileges.
Counselors of St. Anthony's are permitted to fill out the Reciprocal and Special Borrower's registration form for students as needed.
The initial point of contact for all visiting scholars is the Library Administration Office. The University Librarian or designee will be responsible for communications between the scholars or hosting department and library service points.
To be eligible for library privileges, the visitor must:
Duquesne University requires a Multipass account for visiting scholars to use the Internet to access library electronic resources outside the library building and to use their personal laptops inside the building. The sponsoring department/office and Human Resources are responsible for managing the Multipass application process as well as the beginning and end dates for access. The sponsoring department will be responsible for the replacement costs of any unreturned or lost library materials.
NINS scholars are coded as adjunct/part-time faculty borrowers in our library system and enjoy all of the same borrowing privileges.
Independent scholars must:
For visiting scholars
Scholars needing a space for their research will be accommodated as feasible. Study rooms may be checked out if available. Scholars must comply with library policies and hours of service.
The Gumberg Library and the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center are not responsible for assisting visiting scholars with travel, housing, or local transportation.
A dated letter of introduction is required and must state the potential borrower's:
A completed letter of introduction can be submitted by email: ask@duq.libanswers.com.
Other special borrowing requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Contact ask@duq.libanswers.com to inquire.