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Gumberg for Alumni, Retirees, & Guest Borrowers

For Duquesne Retirees and Emeritus living in the Pittsburgh region:

  • Retirees and emeriti can complete the retiree card request form here:
  • You will receive an email notification when your card is available for pickup. Please note that it may take up to 2 business days to confirm alumni status.
  • Please bring photo ID and stop at the 4th floor circulation desk to pick up your card. Cards cannot be mailed. 
Retiree Library Privileges

Upon verification of retiree status and registration in the library's user database, retirees are afforded the following library privileges:

Visit Gumberg Library
Borrow Gumberg Library Physical Materials
  • Circulating books may be checked out for 4 weeks, with one 4 week renewal permitted
  • Materials from other collections (Curriculum Center, Audiovisuals, Phenomenology Center, Library of Things) circulate according to their respective time frames
  • A maximum of 20 items may be checked out at a given time
  • Renewals may be requested in person or over the phone at 412.396.6130

Research Database access or Interlibrary Loan access for Emeritus Retirees Requires a MultiPass account. Please review the Email Service Requirements page, section 6 Email Management Administration, section c. Retiree to view instructions for attaining multipass credentials that will allow you full database access and InterLibrary Loan access.