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Covidence is a systematic review tool that aids with review management and collaboration. A free trial account on Covidence enables you to manage up to 500 studies. You can upload references from most Gumberg database platforms including EBSCO, Embase, ProQuest, PubMed, and Scopus.


Getting Started

To create an account, access the home page:

In the top right, click Start Free Trial. Fill in the necessary personal information and verify your account.

To create a new review, on the home page click Start a New Review.

Free trial features include one on-going study at a time and one additional reviewer.

Paid accounts are available with more features. To view pricing and details, click here.

Invitation to Collaborate? 

If you have been invited to collaborate on a systematic review, you will receive an email and be prompted to accept the invitation. Once you click the link you will be prompted to create an account or sign in using an existing account.

Review Settings

To edit review privileges, click the Settings button at the top of the page. You will see an array of setting options.

The basic review settings header allows you to customize how many reviewers are required for screening and full text review.

  • To add additional reviewers, click Add/remove reviewers.
  • To adjust the rules and privileges that other reviewers hold click Team settings.
    • Team settings rules can specify which reviewers will be assigned for title and abstract, full text screening, and resolving conflicts.