Many Gumberg Library databases supply not only bibliographic citations for articles, but full text as well. To learn how to know if full text is available in any our our resources, click the link below.
The links below run searches for all articles from scholarly journals in literature and folklore indexed in the Modern Language Association International Bibliography on the most well-known fairy tales. Within the search results you will also see citations to essays in books of essays, books, and dissertations. Of course, other articles may be available in other databases. But we have created these searches in the MLA International Bibliography because it is the most authoritative database in language, literature, and folklore.
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Gumberg Library offers access to many databases providing citations to journal articles, and, in many cases, the full text of articles dealing with authors and their works. See below for tips on searching these databases. Please enter your Multipass username and password when prompted.
Links to these databases are included because fairy tales are often discussed from a psychological or sociological point of view. Please enter your Multipass username and password when prompted.
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