Pentecost, by El Greco
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons; in the public domain
This renewal movement within the Catholic Church begain in 1967 in Pittsburgh, more specifically amongst faculty and students of Duquesne University of the Holy Spirit. From Duquesne, it spread to Notre Dame University, and then into the wider Church. Below are links to two web documents dealing with what came to known as the "Duquesne Weekend." Citations to books with substantial coverage of the beginnings of the movement at Duquesne are also given.
Mansfield, Patti Gallagher. "The Duquesne Weekend." GOODNEWS Online. Web. 28 Sept. 2011.
Journal Article
Mansfield, Patti Gallgher. "The Catholic Charismatic Movement." Spiritan Horizons, Issue 10, Fall 2015. (The article starts on page 41.)
A New Pentecost: The Catholic Charismatic Renewal - This video give a quick history of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal including information about the Duquesne Weekend.
Story of the Duquesne Weekend - Participants in the "Duquesne Weekend" return to the place the movement began, the Ark and the Dove Retreat House, on the 53rd anniversary of the event.
Mansfield, Patti Gallagher. As By A New Pentecost: The Dramatic Beginnings of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, 2nd rev. ed. Nooks Farm, Stonyhurst, UK: PROCLAIM! Publications, 1992. Call number: BX2350.57 .M36 1992ax
Mauer, Susan A. The Spirit of Enthusiasm: A History of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, 1967-2000. Lanham, MD: UP of America, 2010. Print. Call number: BX2350.57 .M38 2010x
Ranaghan, Kevin and Dorothy Ranaghan. Catholic Pentecostals. Paramus, NJ: Paulist Press, 1969. Print. Call number: BX8763 .R3